Balance and inner harmony are the basic elements of health. An important aspect in rebuilding power, vitality, optimism and activity is recuperation in the deep sleep state. In sleep the body and brain recover, metabolic toxins are eliminated and emotional conflicts are processed through dreaming. Natural sleep is based on tiredness whereas toxic sleep is driven by exhaustion. The amount you sleep doesn’t guarantee that you are dropping into the deep sleep states in which you move between Theta waves for REM dream sleep and for which brain regeneration and Delta waves allow deep dreamless sleep for cellular regeneration. When people don’t drop regularly into these waves they can tend towards illness. The lab values for blood sugar levels, cholesterol and uric acid show significant alterations.
For many years Peter Mandel has focused on therapies to regulate sleep rhythms, and to support the capacity to fall asleep and stay asleep. Treatments for balancing the Endocrine triad (Hypothalamus, Pituitary and Pineal) are very important. The Pineal produces Melatonin and as an outcome, Pinolin. They are powerful antioxidants, regulate sleep, dream activity, the biological clock of the body and the cells. He has also created a series of treatments to stimulate and activate dreaming. In disease where the etiology of symptoms is unknown Peter Mandel believes the cause is hidden deep within us. In Esogetics stimulation of dreams is seen as the royal road in uncovering conflicts and thus the individual cause of disease through making the wall between the subconscious and the conscious permeable again.
In recent years Peter Mandel has developed several professional and home use programs in the Synapsis Machine for problems with falling asleep, staying asleep and a 15 minute power nap program to release stress during the day. A good power nap can heighten your concentration and improve creative thinking during the day.