This is a twenty-three day course for those interested in becoming Certified Esogetic Colorpuncture practitioners. Training is conducted on six four-day weekends over a twelve month period. Curriculum includes a large body of treatments, as well as extensive theoretical information and methods for determining treatment protocols. Emphasis is placed on clinical application of treatment systems, as well as demonstrations, hands on practice and personal experience of the therapies.
Cost: $3600.00 for the twelve Modules and can be paid by Modules at a cost of $300.00.
In overview, the course is designed to articulate Dr. Peter Mandel’s theoretical concept and demonstrate how it can be used to treat disease. He states that for every disease there is a cause that can be understood as some form of “misinformation.” This pattern of misinformation creates energetic dis-regulation that he differentiates into three main aspects: Endocrine, Toxic and Degenerative. These patterns have physical, emotional and mental aspects.
If these energetic patterns are not regulated there are symptomatic consequences. Mandel classifies these symptoms via the four Elements Earth, Air, Fire and Water and he adds Ether to work with therapeutically resistant disorders. Upon successful completion of the six workshops and accompanying examination, students will receive certification as Esogetic Colorpuncture Practitioners from the International Mandel Institute.
You will have ample time for practical hands-on experience, point location, treatment exchange, group discussion of treatment effects, case presentation, and exploration of the personal impact of colorpuncture treatments. During the latter part of the training students are encouraged to bring case studies for review. The following are some of the general areas of therapy you will be learning, though this list is by no means inclusive:
Pain relief therapies based on Mandel's Converter model and the use of infrared frequencies of light
Theories and treatments for the three basic energetic states identified through Kirlian Energy Emission Analysis photography:* Endocrine conditions (hormonal balance)* Toxic conditions (lymphatic regulation & detoxification)* Degenerative energetic states (observed with chronic health problems)
Theories and hierarchical treatments for the physical, emotional and psychological aspects of the five meridian pairs.
Therapies for regulation of the brain and nervous system for de-stressing and restoring proper regulatory function.
Mother/Father principle treatments for clearing parental imprints and balance male/female energies.
Prenatal Therapies to clear energetic residue of prenatal and birth trauma.
Conflict Resolution therapies for chronic illness.
Therapies using soul/spirit colors and the new grey colors.
Specific protocols to energetically support the body/mind healing process for symptoms and disorders such as: migraines, bone and joint pain, immune issues, cystitis, ear and eye ailments, systemic and autoimmune diseases, arthritis, lung and bronchial disorders, depression, allergies, and more . . .
In this newly updated course, there is greater emphasis on learning specific protocols for combining Colorpuncture therapies to address particular clinical problems. We will also discuss certain business aspects of establishing and maintaining a Colorpuncture practice including: conducting an intake interview, marketing your practice, etc. You will learn diagnostic methods which can be used in the absence of and in addition to a Kirlian Energy Emission Analysis machine. Energy Emission Analysis is taught in a separate course that can be taken subsequently or concurrently.
The breakdown for the six weekend segments is as follows:
ONLINE/LIVE Colorpuncture Certification Module 1
In this segment of the Training students are introduced to a series of Evaluation techniques used to determine treatment protocols. Systems used include: the tongue, facial physiognomy including a detailed reading of the lips, iris and conjunctival reading. We will also look in detail at a pressure testing method for the fingertips, feet and back segments for assessing organ capacity. These methods are based on German naturopathic systems with special reference to Peter Mandel’s main mentors including Joseph Angerer and Anton Magraff.
ONLINE/LIVE Colorpuncture Certification Module 2
In this weekend we will being studying treatments and methodology for hormonal Endocrine imbalances. Students will be introduced to the theory of Endocrine autonomic dysregulation which has sympathetic and parasympathetic aspects and can eventually trigger functional disturbances of the organs. The person may be clinically healthy but I have problems like blood pressure, headaches, insomnia, menopause or premenstrual symptoms, dizziness, acidity and gastrointestinal stress, cold or clammy extremities. Treatments also support regulation of emotional states such as anxiety, restlessness, mood alterations and depression.
ONLINE/LIVE Colorpuncture Certification Module 3
The topic for this weekend is Toxic/Lymphatic disorders and all diseases related to focal toxicosis. Treatments are aimed at creating a reaction in the Lymph to regulate acute or chronic inflammations, sudden or chronic pain in the spine, joints or organs, or the poisoning of the body by a focal point in the teeth, tonsils, sinus, ears or one of the lymph centers.
ONLINE/LIVE Colorpuncture Certification Module 4
In this Module we begin to look at the Degenerative energy pattern where we encounter signs of physical and psychological rigidity, stasis and loss of dynamism.
Signs of this syndrome include hyperacidity, de-oxygenation and sleep irregularities that may disrupt cellular regeneration. The pattern is connected with phobias, fears and internal conflicts.
ONLINE/LIVE Colorpuncture Certification Module 5
In Module 5 we continue with the exploration of the Degenerative Pot. In this weekend we’ll look at therapies that work on the material aspects of the Degenerative pattern. We’ll address the five Organ function circuits and especially treatments for working these circuits via the teeth, ears, levels of the spine and treatments on the body.
ONLINE/LIVE Colorpuncture Certification Module 6
This Module we will examine the relationship between the basic patterns and individual attachment conflicts. This includes understanding theories of memory re-traumatization and the Limbic brain, assessment of prenatal stress and trauma, mother/father issues, and conflict resolution treatment.
ONLINE/LIVE Colorpuncture Certification Module 7
In the Advanced Modules of the Certification training we present a series of relevant symptomatic therapies that are organized by Elemental patterns into categories: Ether, Fire, Earth, Water, Air. These are described via bodily and psychological correspondences, disease and pain tendencies.
We will also begin with the Element Ether covering spinal Information Barrier therapies and OGT therapies for genetic patterns
ONLINE/LIVE Colorpuncture Certification Module 8
In this Module we’ll continue with the Ether Element covering therapies to work on disorders that are multi-causal and therapy resistant. Emphasis is placed on unlocking background patterns and on the physical level the intention is to activate the flow of energy/information in the body by opening the enteric brain.
We’ll cover Bardo therapies, Attachment therapies and advanced Conflict treatments.
ONLINE/LIVE Colorpuncture Certification Module 9
Fire patterns are differentiated into Active, Neutral and Passive aspects. Active Fire is connected with issues of the brain, head, eyes, ears, mouth, teeth and sexuality. On the psychological level Active Fire is connected with the loss of inner vision and over orientation to the outer world. The head opposes the gut and Beta brain waves predominate. Neutral Fire is for spine and digestive functions in regards to metabolism and gastrointestinal complaints. Also problems with obesity and allergies.
ONLINE/LIVE Colorpuncture Certification Module 10
Active Earth covers all parts of the Lymph in the head: smell, neck, shoulders, tonsils, sense of taste, larynx glands, mouth. Issues of untreated Focal Intoxication have relevance. Neutral Earth: is concerned with issues of the Large and Small Intestine, digestion in general, Spleen and Peritoneum. Diseases such as Irritable bowel syndrome, Ulcerative Colitis, and Crohn’s disease are discussed.
The Passive Earth Element: metabolic disturbances, toxic accumulation, mesenchymal debris accumulation, tendency toward stone formation, gout and pain due to organ degeneration. Pain tendencies include Rheumatism and pain due to organ degeneration.
ONLINE/LIVE Colorpuncture Certification Module 11
Later in the weekend we will begin looking at the Air Element: Active Air covering nervous system issues in the arms, brachia and hands and via the link to the Limbic finger emotional aspects of I-You- WE.
We’ll also look at the aspects of Neutral Air connected with Kidney diseases and filtering of inner stimuli. Passive Air which is connected overuse of energy, and permanent overuse of the brain which leads to cerebral dysfunctions especially in the Thalamus and Medulla operative in systemic diseases and diseases of the spinal chord.
ONLINE/LIVE Colorpuncture Certification Training Module 12
We finish the training with the Water Element. Overall the Water Element is connected with emotional Focal intoxications. Chief therapeutic concerns are issues with the breasts and related hormonal issues as well as work with Addiction. Also poisonings due to recreational and medical drugs and resulting physical and psychological damage. We conclude the Training with the Certification Test. When you pass the test, you will receive official Certification as an Esogetic Colorpuncture Practitioner from the International Mandel Institute in Zurich, Switzerland.
Certification as Level I Practitioner allows you to practice this healing method professionally and use the trademarked name "Esogetic Colorpuncture” in your business advertising. It will also enable you to participate in advanced Esogetic Colorpuncture workshops and to participate in our referral network and Practitioner Support.