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Peter Mandel Online Update

Presented by Peter Mandel and Markus Wunderlich

Peter Mandel began his presentation regarding the Prefrontal Cortex during last year’s Symbol Seminar. This year in this International Update Seminar he will present further steps in the diagnosis and therapy for the Prefrontal Cortex.

“It is becoming increasingly important for us therapists to look at a person’s past, in order to help severely ill people and support them on their paths. As a guideline we are using modern science in the fields of neurology, neuropsychiatry, and physics.”


In this Update Seminar Esogetic Medicine will present new insights in the following topics:

· The scientific and Esogetic context of the Prefrontal Cortex and it’s therapeutic consequences.

· The Reflex zones of the PFC on the forehead and the 37 points of the pain grid.

· The central line of the PFC and the 12 points of information.

· Reflections on the long-term effects of the Covid pandemic.

From a multitude of options certain therapy combinations will be demonstrated with practical applications and relevant Case histories.


The workshop will be presented LIVE AND ONLINE.

For those whose time zones make live attendance difficult a permanent video will be posted a few days after the Live presentation.


Cost for the Live and Online Seminar: 350EU/APPROX $400USD

Please register online: under ‘Learning’

For further information please contact me at


Daily Schedule

Saturday May 21 9am-5pm German central time: Peter Mandel Update presentation

Sunday May 22 9.30am-1.30pm German central time: Markus Wunderlich workshop

Live Seminar Location:

Achat Hotel in Karlsruhe, Mendelsohnplatz, 76131 Karlsruhe

Email: Tel: +49(0)721 37170

Rooms have been reserved and are available under the code “Esogetics”