The Transmitter Relay system remains one of Peter Mandel’s most profound therapeutic developments and an important aspect of the work, which is not addressed in the basic Certification course. In this series, we treat points on the body that cause long buried memories to surface into consciousness and be released. Mandel discovered that the Transmitters provide “extraordinary access to the deeper layers of one’s being”. They clear the layers of early emotional and psychological conditioning that can block movement in one’s life path. No matter what their complaints patients report noticeable improvements in their symptoms as well as dramatic changes in their lives after the Transmitter Relay treatments. In this class we will work mainly with the original Relay of Memories. We will also explore the Genital and Immune Relays which are valuable for immune and sexuality issues. The Transmitters are a wonderful way to stimulate new creative movement in your life.
10 am - 6 pm EST