Induction Therapy in Esogetic Medicine

Induction Therapy in Esogetic Medicine


“We are constantly exposed to the rhythm of day and night, the changing seasons, tension and relaxation and also the changing rhythms of our brain waves. Every impulse inside and outside our body has to be processed by our consciousness in some way. It is therefore obvious that health and illness also go hand in hand with a shift in the natural brain rhythms.

With the Induction therapy of Esogetic Medicine, a method has been developed that on the one hand manages without “side effects” and on the other hand is as closely as possible adapted to the natural body rhythms or brain activities- in other words an induction therapy.

The use of this method relieves the overstrained and overstimulated areas of the brain and allows calm and relaxation to set in. In the book we have included many treatment possibilities.”

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