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8:00 AM08:00

Point Location Webinar: Heart/Small Intestines

These classes are designed for practitioners who are studying Esogetics but have no training in Point Location or the Chinese Meridian systems. In these classes we study the general meaning of the channels and the point locations as well as the indications for the main points that are used in the Peter Mandel system.

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8:00 AM08:00

Working with Genetic and Karmic Imprints Using the Opthalamic Genetic Therapies


In this seminar we are using the field of the OGT to work with the phenomenology of the ancestor fields. The phenomena in the eye shows the genetic determinations that brought the person into this life. We view the iris through the lens of spirit, soul and body, not initially focusing on the organs.

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8:00 AM08:00

Point Location Webinar: Lung/Large Intestines


These classes are designed for practitioners who are studying Esogetics but have no training in Point Location or the Chinese Meridian systems. In these classes we study the general meaning of the channels and the point locations as well as the indications for the main points that are used in the Peter Mandel system. Everyone is welcome to join the classes.

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