Dream Therapies Set of 9

Dream Therapies Set of 9



Ancient Celts used sounds based on Runes to heal and call forth primordial vibrations. The Esogetic Sound patterns have progressed further with the development of precise combinations of seventy-two notes that affect each of the molecules of the Esogetic Model. They were not chosen for aesthetic reasons but via exact mathematical calculations to create therapeutic reactions.

The Esogetic Sound patterns are created to connect consciousness with the body. They train the brain to “ collect color”. They activate the energy fields in the body via their resonance with different aspects of the Esogetic model. As a person relaxes they let go of mental stress and the CD’s can bring higher information flows similar to dreaming. They are also diagnostic according to the reactions of the individual. Reactions are individual as each person’s information is unique.

Similar to the “sounds of life” in Indian music each person responds to certain key words effecting consciousness on symbolic, visual and archetypal planes. The main intention of the Esogetic Sound patterns is expansion of consciousness to create new levels of perception and experience. There are nine Esogetic Sound patterns. They can be used daily and alone or in combination with the Dream Zone Therapies.

1.    Balance: supports the ability to let go of the old and welcome the new, the precondition of serenity.

2.    Regeneration: supports all processes dealing with change and reorientation.

3.    Self Confidence: serves as a “signpost” pointing the way to the essential core.

4.    Vitality: this assists in accessing new insights and developing strength to realize them.

5.    Self Knowledge: promotes the ability to recognize one’s own powers and use them to remove mental barriers.

6.    Change: reinforces the desire to become free of negative thoughts and to change behavioral patterns.

7.    Reorientation: shows possibilities to find purpose in life and to achieve.

8.    Harmony: supports us in leading a conscious, healthy and harmonious life.

9.    Completion: this compiles the most effective parts of the Soundscapes 1-8 as a repetition for refreshing all the content previously conveyed. It should only be used after listening to all the eight CD’s


These CD’s should not be used as background music, for example when driving a car. They should be listened to in a relaxed way. They will still work for you if you put them on when you are falling asleep. If as a therapist you play these CD’s for a client we recommend that you don’t use Color Sound therapies at the same time as a light session or a brain wave therapy as this will be a double treatment and could cause uncomfortable reactions. Rather play the CD before or after the light or wave sessions. It’s fine to use the Esogetic Sound patterns for example with a massage session. Remain quiet when you are using it and allow the client to fully receive the vibrations.

For any questions about using the CD’s please speak with your therapist or email me: rosemary@colorpuncture.com



It is important not to save or copy the CD’s onto a computer or MP3 player. Doing so reduces the data volume and important signals to only 10%, especially signals in imperceptible frequency ranges will be lost.

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